Navigating Manufacturing Challenges Amidst Covid-19: Turning Adversity into Opportunity

Navigating the New Normal: A Make or Break Moment for Businesses

The way that business owners face the new normal situation can decide if it's a good time to improve efficiency or marks the end of a business. It has been two years since Covid-19 appeared and affected all activities from normal to business. Especially in the Manufacturing Industry, which requires a large number of workers, Covid-19 and quarantine actions have strong effects, like a hurricane to the Industry. There is no doubt that Covid-19 has ushered in a large number of death cases and sicknesses which firstly could not be predicted all over the world. However, another side of the Covid impacts on business is that it promotes business owners to invest more in technology to improve working efficiency during quarantine duration.

VMFederation | Leaders in defense packaging for ammo boxes and metal boxes | Global Sales office in Singapore | Navigating Manufacturing Challenges Amidst Covid-19: Turning Adversity into Opportunity

Promoting Early Investment, Manufacturing Recovery

It’s cannot deny that the Covid 19 immediately attacked the manufacturing industry and make many manufacturers face struggles in human resources as well as maintaining efficiency in working. Of course, thanks to that, many manufacturers are now considering applying secure remote working technology that enable monitoring and controlling facilitate timely decision making. Although these are early and suddenly investments, they boost up the efficiency of manufacturers even when we return to new normal operations. 

According to  Lucas Nguyen - VM Federation Engineer Manager, the new method in doing manufacturing brings a lot of interesting experience to him as well as his factory. Of course, they met some troubles on the very first day applying the modern monitoring methods. After short training as well as using every day helped them to improve the efficiency even they had faced the lack of workers during quarantine situation. All the automatic systems in precision engineering as painting, stamping, surface treatment, quality checking systems… support them quite well and even better than before the Covid situation. It’s also a good opportunity for VM Federation to look directly to the advantage software and machine for remote working. It especially help Lucas and his team to overcome the struggles of the human resource issues, it also helps them to quickly contact customers and build trust in them, as manufacturing outsourcing is one of the major business sectors of VMF.

Acceleration of Digital Transformation

The digital transformation is not the priority plan of most manufacturers pre-pandemic. The Covid 19 pandemic brung manufacturers to digital transformations, which broke the current plan. From the recent McKinsey global survey of executives, during Covid 19 situation, almost all companies have accelerated digitization by 3-4 years.

Additionally, from the report by Twilio which did the survey about digital transformation on 2,569 decision-makers, 97% agree that Covid is the main reason for digital transformation acceleration. It means the Covid 19 changed the priority of digitally transforming manufacturing operations.

Currently, people can make sure that they can live with and be familiar with Covid Virus is outside everywhere, especially with the vaccine coverage is quite high in Vietnam as well as most of the country. Although the virus caused many effects and took far too many lives, the new future of the manufacturing industry is established, not only in Vietnam but in the whole world.

VMFederation | Bringing the vast network of  Vietnam factories to customers under a single platform and leaders in defense packaging for ammo boxes and metal boxes | Global Sales office in Singapore | News & Events

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